Thursday, 9 June 2011

"Garden" update

So remember our little zucchini plant we grew from a seed...

Well, now it looks like this:

The other plants are also flurishing - we've had a few wild strwberries and the mint is growing like crazy! Thanks to the sun schedule Egbert developed, which involves moving them from window to windows to follow the sun, they actually get some light. 

(Not pictured here: basil, lemon balm, chives and oregano)
(Please ignore ugly garbage)

We also took a trip to our favorite store (any guesses?) and got a few new storage containers:

And one last picture just for Emily Elisabeth Krenn:

Topfen-Kräuter-Aufstrich mit Radieschen auf Pumpernickel.
Eigener Schnittlauch und Eistee von eingener Minze!


Thekrenns said...

I love you guys! You should start dreaming about a real garden! Bussi papa

Brigitte said...

Love those little containers! I want some! haha. Love the garden too!

Anonymous said...

you've successfully made me jealous...