Saturday, 10 April 2010

We don't watch tv - We watch trailers

Our movie list 
(ok, mine - but I know he will add the ones I forget)

The Blind Side - I know! we haven't seen it yet, shame on us. This might be due to the fact, that someone is not a big Sandra fan (is that politically incorrect to say right now?)... anyway when we first saw the trailer on  I knew it was going to be a great movie. I bargained him into promising to go and see it with me (can't remember what my side of the bargain was...). He did admit it didn't look too bad. And even though I will laugh at the "All about Steve" trailer and he will just roll his eyes and moan we will see this non "comedy" -Sandra Bullock movie. 

How To Train Your Dragon - Sure! Take me anytime. The second trailer had me convinced, it took a facebook-friend recommendation to convince him (thanks Todd!) I'll try animation in 3D, didn't like Alice in Wonderland that much.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - This may have been my side of the bargain...